Hi, I’m Sonya, a Sound & Vibrational Healing Practitioner, serving with the energetic medicine of Sound, Massage and Flower Essences to help return you home to your heart.

Welcome to Harmonic Resonance

We live in an energetically harsh world; it’s filled with noise, movement and sometimes overwhelming interactions.

Those of us who are sensitive to energy can contract and find it challenging to assert our voices.

The modalities I offer work beautifully either as stand alone holistic healing tools, or together to help clear and harmonise our energy and return us to a connected and expanded state.

When we’re balanced and in our heart, we’re in our truth.

When we’re in our truth, we’re kinder to ourselves, calmer inside and can see things from a higher perspective.

About Me

I didn’t realise that my gentle, sensitive nature was so highly attuned to energy.

It culminated into a life of self-isolation as I felt deeply confused by many social norms.. drinking to avoid true connection and living stressed rather than living from truth.

In a moment of profound heart opening, I was guided to explore sound healing. After years of extreme shyness, I found I was able to expand my energy and welcome in my softness to find my voice and speak clearly in the world.

I open my heart and my voice follows
— Sonya Reinink

My Mission

At Harmonic Resonance, my desire is to create a safe and healing space for anyone who relates to feeling shy, overwhelmed or pressured in their day to day world.

The power of harmonic resonance can return you to calmness and clarity through an expanded state of living from the heart.